Nathan Hale High School

Nathan Hale
High School


About Nathan Hale High School

With outstanding ratings from parents, staff and students, Nathan Hale is consistently recognized nationally as a leader in school reform efforts. Our mission is to ensure that ALL students will become honorable, thinking, skillful global citizens. 

Nathan Hale is inspired by the Coalition of Essential Schools and provides personalization in education in a rigorous inclusive environment. The Ten Common Principles of the Coalition of Essential Schools guide the vision for Nathan Hale.

  1. Learning to use one’s mind well,
  2. Less is more, depth over coverage,
  3. Goals apply to all students,
  4. Personalization,
  5. Student as worker, teacher as coach,
  6. Demonstration of mastery,
  7. A tone of decency and trust,
  8. Commitment to entire school,
  9. Resources dedicated to teaching and learning, and
  10. Democracy and equity. 

Students at Nathan Hale High School develop critical thinking skills and engage with topics by learning and using the Five Habits of Mind, which are: 

  • Viewpoint – From whose viewpoint are we seeing, reading or hearing? From what angle or perspective? 
  • Evidence – How do we know what we know? What is the evidence and how reliable is it? 
  • Relevance – What does it mean? What does it matter? 
  • Connections – How are things, events or people connected to each other? What is the cause? What is the effect? How do they fit together? 
  • Supposition – What if…? Could things be otherwise? What are or were the alternatives?

We are proud of the number of students who participate in NHHS sports, clubs, music and theatre. Our C-89.5 radio station is nationally ranked and sets national trends. 

Student voice is valued and encouraged. Students serve on our Principal’s Advisory Committee, our Race and Equity Team and on Senate, our building leadership team. Student led forums are attended by students and staff alike. 

Nathan Hale enjoys exceptional parent and community support for our academic programs, activities, and athletics through the Nathan Hale Community Organization, booster clubs, and the Nathan Hale High School Foundation. 

Nathan Hale High School has a building culture of shared leadership, demonstration of mastery, critical-thinking, and values in-depth study, creativity and reflection. Trust, respect, decency, and equity throughout the school community are hallmarks of our building culture.