Nathan Hale High School

Nathan Hale
High School
Student Life

Spirit Wear

Raider Gear – The place to get your Nathan Hale Spirit Wear!

Nathan Hale Raider Gear is managed by the Nathan Hale Sports Boosters (a parent volunteer group).

Raider Gear is typically available for purchase on Raider Day, the day before the first day of school, and at Future Family Night in June. Look for the table with t-shirts, sweatshirts and other spirit wear in red, white and blue!

During the school year, Raider Gear can be ordered by going to the Sports Boosters website linked below. When your order is ready for pick-up, you will receive an email and your order can be picked up by your student in the Attendance office. If you would like to make special arrangements for pick up, please coordinate with the helpful Raider Gear volunteers filling these orders.

Some things to keep in mind when shopping:

  • Colors for the different grades are as follows: Freshmen – Red, Sophomores – White, Juniors – Blue, and Seniors – Black & Gold.
  • Order pickup is at the school. Shipping is not available at this time.

Check out their website: Nathan Hale Sports Boosters Store.

Email with questions.