Opportunities to Get Involved
Get Involved at Nathan Hale
We have several booster organizations that help support Music, Theatre or Athletics – and they would be a great way of supporting important activities as well as meeting other families.
There is something for everyone to become involved at Nathan Hale. Check out the links below to find information about our organizations and booster groups. Contact information is provided for you to connect with your interests. Please join us!
Visit the Volunteer page for information on the district volunteer application protocol. A completed volunteer application is required for volunteer roles at school.
Friends of NH Horticulture & Urban Farm
Contact Horticulture and urban farm
The Friends of Nathan Hale Horticulture & Urban Farm provides support for the NH Urban Farm with labor (digging in the dirt!); fundraising; design and construction of systems; and more. At the farm, students get hands on experience in horticulture, urban farming, environmental science, entrepreneurship, and citizenship. There are opportunities for parents to be on the board, to be volunteers for student work parties, in-class volunteering and advisory opportunities for those with industry connections.
Visit Friends of Nathan Hale Horticulture and Urban Farm website
NH Foundation
Contact: info@nathanhalehsfoundation.org
The Nathan Hale High School Foundation’s mission is rooted in the Coalition of Essential Schools‘ 10 Common Principles – we strive to inspire and build a supportive community that ensures ALL our students become honorable, thinking, skillful, global students.
The funds we raise help supplement gaps in the school’s budget – enabling teachers and staff members to acquire additional services, materials, and supplies for our students.
Visit the Nathan Hale Foundation website
NH Music Boosters
Music Boosters organizes the bake sales before each concert – bakes goodies, sets up, sells food and merchandise during intermission; plans, manages, and/or works special events; chaperones/drivers for festivals/competitions; serve on the board to help shape the future of the music program; serve on committees to help with community outreach, data entry, or web management.
NH Organization (NHCO)
Contact: nhcoconnections@gmail.com
The NHCO promotes community connections and volunteer work to support the school. Providing hospitality for school events, staff appreciation, graduation and responding to special needs in the community when they arise are all a part of the work the NHCO does. We want to extend an invitation to incoming parents and guardians to join us. It is a great way to connect and learn more about the NHHS community.
More information about the Nathan Hale Community Organization
NH Racial Equity Team
Contact: Chris Mulder, cbmulder@seattleschools.org
Our team aligns with District-wide efforts to implement the ” Ensuring Educational and Racial Equity” Policy to eliminate racial disproportionality in graduation and discipline rates. We work to build capacity among principal, teachers, staff, and students in transforming school policies and practices, and work to strengthen the voices and participation of students, families and community to inform school policies, practices and procedures. The NHHS Racial Equity Team welcomes parent and guardian participation.
NH Senate
Contact: Tony Renouard, twrenouard@seattleschools.org
Senate is the Building Leadership Team (BLT) at NHHS. Senate meets twice monthly after school.
Students, parents/guardians and staff serve on Senate.
NH Senate Committee – Community Engagement
Contact: Lisa Behrens, theotherlisa@live.com; Laura Teeuw, laurateeuw@gmail.com
Community Engagement is a group of parents, teachers, and students whose goal is to enrich the communities that exist as a part of the larger NHHS Community. Our goal is to listen and fast track information and to be a resource for the parents and guardians at Nathan Hale.
Mission: to gather information for problem solving, to listen and provide opportunities to engage with special focus on communities furthest from equity.
NH Sports Boosters
Contact: nhsportsboosters@gmail.com
The Nathan Hale All Sports Boosters is a parent-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose purpose is to support and enhance the athletic programs at Nathan Hale High School by providing an athletic discretionary fund, encouraging student participation, and supporting coaches with funding and volunteer support. As an organization within Nathan Hale High School, Sports Boosters works to extend the school-wide mission of ensuring that ALL students become honorable, thinking, skillful, global citizens through sports.
Visit the Hale sports boosters website
NH Theatre Boosters
Theatre Boosters recruits and organize volunteers; leads fundraising efforts to support the program; communicate both within the theatre program and to the larger Hale and Seattle communities; supports the production (e.g., ticket sales, audition support, backstage monitoring); publicizes shows and events; social media marketing; website maintenance & blogging; provides a welcoming atmosphere for audiences