Seniors – Class of 2025
Seniors – Class of 2025
Reminder: check school email and countdown calendar
Current and Upcoming Items
Cap and Gown Ordering – Due 1/15/25
To order caps and gowns for graduation, go to the National Achiever Nathan Hale Raiders website. Cap and gown orders will be distributed to seniors in the spring, closer to graduation. Orders need to be placed by January deadline so National Achiever can order all Nathan Hale gowns at one time to ensure sizes are available. <Though this deadline has passed, students/families who haven’t ordered their cap and gown should still do so.>
- Deadline to order cap and gowns is January 15, 2025
- You may purchase cap, gown, stole and tassel only
- You may a cap and gown from a sibling or friend from previous years. You Will need to order the stole and tassel.
- Is it stressful and expensive when you are trying to order your cap and gown in the spring to have it by graduation? YES!! Please plan to order by the deadline.
Senior Grad Ad – Due 3/24/25
Buy a senior grad ad in the Hale yearbook! Ads must be purchased and submitted by Monday, March 24. A grad ad is an excellent way to celebrate your graduating senior. Prices are $25 to $100. See SchoolPay for more info.
Though Grad Ads are not a required item for seniors to be included in the yearbook under the senior pages, it is a fun way to celebrate your senior in a personal way. If you have questions about this, don’t hesitate to ask the Main Office.
Senior SPREE – From SPREE Committee
Hello Senior Families!
We’re excited to announce that you can now buy your Senior SPREE tickets!
What is SPREE?
We strongly believe in the Senior SPREE all-night event that will keep our seniors safe as they celebrate their huge achievement. Senior SPREE is designed to combat the high mortality rate that stems from drunk driving on graduation night. Students will be whisked away from school, after the graduation reception. They will spend the night in safe, supervised fun centers, with food and activities. This will help make their last hours with their graduating class memorable. Please note that SPREE is not a school sponsored event. It is an event that is coordinated and organized by Hale parents and guardians.
How do I register my senior for SPREE?
You can pay with check or Venmo. Prices will increase in January, so please register now!
What if my senior needs a scholarship?
If financial hardship would prevent your senior from attending, please have your student ask their counselor for scholarship information. We want every student to have this opportunity!
Lastly, this event is 100% parent organized. The committee is working hard to make SPREE happen. If you are able to help, or know of any organization that can donate, then please reach out.
Have any questions or can offer additional support?
Please email –
Thank you for your support!!
2025 Senior SPREE Committee
Yearbook Orders
You may order a 2024-25 Nathan Hale High School yearbook only during specific sales periods throughout the school year. Buy early and save up to $15!
Place your order through SchoolPay during these times:
- Sept. 3-23, 2024 (book cost: $65)
- Dec. 1-21, 2024 (book cost: $70)
- Feb. 22 to March 14, 2025 (book cost: $75)
- May 14 to June 3, 2025 (book cost: $80)
Any remaining yearbooks will be available for purchase through the end of the school year.
Past Items
Senior Portraits – Due 1/26/25
Submit your senior portrait now! Please follow the instructions below to submit a senior portrait:
- Go to Yearbook Share.
- Type in the school code “nathanhale”, all lowercase with no spaces.
- Fill out the contact form.
- Select “Upload Your Portrait.”
- Attach the photo you wish to submit. See portrait guidelines below.
To be included in the yearbook, senior portraits must be submitted via this link no later than January 26, 2025. This is a hard deadline and there will not be an extension. If you choose not to submit a portrait, your student ID photo will be used in the yearbook. If you have any questions, please contact yearbook adviser Emeline Cokelet Meneken,
Portrait guidelines:
- Color photos only
- Plain / neutral background preferred
- Full face view, facing forward
- Clothing and jewelry must fit in school dress code guidelines
- No creative filters or photographic treatments
- No weapons or hand signals of any kind
The 2025-26 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) will not be available until December 2024. The WASFA (Washington Application for State Financial Aid) will also be delayed until the FAFSA opens. Applications usually open October 1 of a student’s senior year, but this major shift in the college planning process occurred last school year as well.
FAFSA/WASFA Drop-In Help – Sometime in January 2025?
The Lake City Branch Library typically provides an evening in January when high school seniors and their parents/guardians can work on completing college financial aid forms online, receive assistance, and ask questions.
Last year, students were told to bring:
- If under age 24, their parent/guardian, if available
- Laptop (or they will have several laptops available for use)
- Social Security number or card, or alien registration card (if not a US citizen)
- Driver’s license or state identification card
- Any income information, a W-2 or pay stub, and a copy of last filed student tax return or bank statements
- FSA ID (if you have one)
Last year, parents/guardians were told to bring:
- Social Security number or card, or alien registration (if not a US citizen)
- Driver’s license or state identification card
- Financial information, W-2 forms, a copy of last filed tax return, and other records of any money earned in 2022
- Any additional financial information, such as child support statements, TANF or benefits information, or family business information
If you were unable to attend Senior Family Night on Oct. 17, we have posted the information on the Hale website for your convenience.
Senior Family Night 2024 InformationSenior Meeting – Wed, 12/4
Seniors should plan on meeting during first half of Mentorship on Wed, 12/4. The meeting will be a brief presentation from National Achievers about cap and gown ordering, senior yearbook photo, and SPREE.
Senior Meeting – Wednesday, 11/20
All seniors should plan on attending the Senior Meeting planned for Wednesday, 11/20 during the second half of Mentorship. At this meeting, seniors will hear a presentation from our cap and gown vendor, National Achievers, about how to order their cap and gown, the due date, cost, etc.
FAFSA Night – Thursday, 11/14/2024
In the Nathan Hale Library from 6-7:30pm hosted by Seattle Promise Outreach Specialist from Seattle Colleges, Aurelio Valdez-Barajas.
Seniors, please check your school mail regularly. This is how we will communicate with you. You don’t want to miss important graduation information, dates and deadlines, and details of senior events. Also, check out the Senior Countdown Calendar for upcoming dates. This will be updated with dates and times as it gets confirmed.
School Day SAT – Tuesday, 10/29/2024
Date: October 29th
Time: 8:50am to 12:05pm
Location: Mentorship Class (for most seniors). Those without a Mentorship Class or in an affinity group Mentorship will be assigned to a class to take the test.
Who: Seniors
Materials Required (Before Test):
- Digital Readiness-tested SPS/district laptop that is fully charged.
- Recommended: Snacks and Water
The SAT will be given to seniors at Nathan Hale, free of charge, on Tuesday, October 29th. No registration is required. Students are encouraged to arrive by 8:30am. The SAT covers reading, writing and math. SAT scores demonstrate students are prepared for college with necessary skills and knowledge. Additionally, the SAT can be used as a substitute graduation requirement if a student doesn’t meet passing scores on Smarter Balanced assessments in ELA or math.
Students will need to bring their digital readiness-tested district laptop. They may not use their phone as a calculator. It’s important that everyone be on time because no one will be admitted after the test begins. These exams are three hours long. Students should bring their own full water bottle. As always, when taking an important test, students should be sure to get a good night’s sleep and have a healthy breakfast.
Links to practice test is available on the Nathan Hale Assessments webpage. Exam scores can be used for college admission.