Nathan Hale High School

Nathan Hale
High School

Friday 9/22 Message to Families

Message to Families

Beloved Families,

I hope you had a great second week of school! This week, I had an opportunity to visit classrooms and observe the great teaching and learning happening throughout our school community. Hispanic Heritage lessons were alive in classes honoring Hispanic Heritage Month. Teachers focused on recognizing the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements in the United States. Please check in with your student about what they are learning and engaging in their classes in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month.

It was also really fun to learn more about writing competency that is growing for our freshman Language Arts students. Entering the third week of school marks an important point in our school year. Classroom rigor is rising, as is teaching and learning expectations for student learning. To maximize engagement, and scaffold this learning for our Freshman students, all Freshman Language Arts students participated in a sensory exercise, centering mindfulness, breathing, eating, sight, and setting to strengthen descriptive writing skills. Further, every week this school year, our Language Arts team is working on developing a new writing skill. We ultimately see the benefits of this rigor for all of our students as they grow as learners in their high school journey.

Shana Tova (Happy New Year) to our Jewish community at Nathan Hale! Rosh Hashanah, the New Year, was celebrated over the September 15-17 weekend. The holiday comes with many traditions including eating apples and honey for a sweet new year. On September 25th, many Jewish families will be honoring Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, a day of reflection and fasting. This season also brings the important holidays of Sukkot (a celebration of harvest) and Simchat Torah (a celebration of the annual completion of reading the Torah). We recognize our Jewish students, families, and staff during this most special time of the year. Shana Tova!

Academic Support Time

Rigor is rising and students needing academic support can find it! In the second half of Mentorship, students needing to retake quizzes or tests, or needing extra academic help will be able to use support time to do so. Students will need a support pass from their teacher they will be visiting and can use the time for academic planning and support.

Homecoming Week

Nathan Hale’s Homecoming spirit week and dance is next week! Help your student(s) get ready to dress up, compete, and celebrate Raider power. Spirit days are PJ day on Monday, Twin Day on Tuesday, Decades Day on Wednesday (Freshman are the 50’s, Sophomores are the 60’s, Juniors the 70’s, and Seniors the 80’s), Barbie v. Ken on Thursday, and Class Colors Day on Friday (Freshmen-red, Sophomores-white, Juniors-blue, and Seniors-black and gold)! Students will be able to participate and go head-to-head against other grades to win big for their class in events like Dodgeball, Three-Legged Race, Family Feud and the Staff v. Student Volleyball game! (Spirit week is not meant to be a time to spend money, if it can be avoided. Please check for dress-up items that your student can use from home.)

Homecoming Dance Ticket Info: Ticket Sales for Homecoming will start on September 25th and will be sold every day at lunch through Friday the 29th. Tickets will also be sold at the door. If your student plans to bring someone who does not go to Hale, the Guest Dance Form must be turned in by Wednesday the 27th. The Dance will begin sometime after the football game on Friday, 9/29 in the Nathan Hale Commons.

Homecoming Dance Help Needed

The Senior Class needs help with the Homecoming Dance! They have set up an Homecoming Dance Amazon Wishlist with items needed to decorate/set-up the Homecoming Dance and would greatly appreciate those who would purchase an item from the Wishlist and have it delivered to Nathan Hale. 

If you are interested in chaperoning the dance, please contact . All help is greatly appreciated!

Yearbook Orders

The last chance to purchase the Nathan Hale yearbook at this school year’s lowest price of $65 ends this Sunday, September 24th. After that, yearbook sales will pause until November 26th, when the price goes up to $70. Yearbooks may be purchased via SchoolPay accessed from the parent’s Source account

Washington State Healthy Youth Survey 2023

Our school is participating in the Washington State Healthy Youth Survey during fall 2023. The survey will be given to students in Grades 10 and 12. The Healthy Youth Survey includes questions related to physical activity and diet, unintentional and intentional injury, substance use, sexual behaviors, abuse, risk and protective factors, and access to school-based services. Survey results are used by schools, communities, and state agencies to plan programs to support our youth and reduce their risks.  Participation in the survey is voluntary and the students’ answers are anonymous. There are no codes or information used to match a survey to a student. Please read the Parent and Student Notification Letter (links below) for more information about the Healthy Youth Survey.

SAT/PSAT/AP Accommodation Info

If you would like to apply for SAT/PSAT/AP accommodations for your student, you and your student should apply through the College Board website on Accommodations. Accommodations are approved on a rolling basis so the sooner you apply, the sooner you will have a result.

Seniors will have the opportunity to take the SAT at school for free on Wednesday, October 11th. The date when juniors will take the PSAT has yet to be determined but will fall between October 16th – 31st. AP Exams are scheduled in May. Go to the Assessments at Nathan Hale webpage for more information about these tests and links to test practice sites.

School Safety

School safety is a top priority in ensuring that all students, educators, and families feel safe and welcome to learn at their highest capability. Thank you to all students, families, and educators who have reported concerns surrounding school safety, not limited to inappropriate behavior and conduct in our school and community to Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, and racism. Please continue to report to administration, school security, and counseling department and we will work to find resolution, support, and care.

Tomorrow is the first day of fall! Have a great weekend!

Much love,

William Jackson, Ed.D. (he,him)
Nathan Hale High School