Nathan Hale High School

Nathan Hale
High School

Friday 12/15 Message to Families

Friday 12/15 Message to Families

Beloved Families,

I hope you had a great final school week of 2023! The Winter Vocal Music Concert this past Wednesday featured our Concert Choir and Vocal Jazz led by Ms. Jessica Milanese. The stage was decorated with poinsettias grown in our Horticulture program, there were fabulous performances by our students, and the concert was enjoyed by all!

I wanted to share my love and appreciation to all families, educators, and students for your commitment to our students this school year. This year has had amazing positives, some of which have been highlighted in these weekly messages. We, as a community, have also shared our challenges, of which I have also identified in our weekly messages. Positively, we have worked through these challenges, and will continue to work through these challenges with your support. Moreover, we are such a strong community because of your commitment to ensuring our students grow to become honorable, skillful, thinking, global citizens. This has been exemplified and demonstrated through our deeper learning exhibitions, schoolwide projects, student led clubs, schoolwide athletics, and advanced learning options for all students. Much appreciation to you.

As a reminder, Winter Break runs from Monday, December 18th through Monday, January 1st. I look forward to learning and growing with all of you, our educators, and students in 2024!

For Seniors – Cap and Gown Orders Due Today!

Cap and Gown Orders are due today! Orders may be made on the National Achievers website. One of the reasons orders are due now is to help ensure the vendor has sufficient sizes of gowns. If cost is an issue, students should contact their counselor or arrange a payment plan with National Achievers. Order now and have one less thing to think about before graduation. It’s possible to order just the cap, gown, stole and tassel for $56 plus handling and tax. Also, gently-used gowns are available for students in need of a gown. For other Senior info, please check the NH Senior webpage regularly for any updates.

Yearbook Sales Open Through 12/16

Yearbooks may be purchased for $70 through tomorrow, Saturday December 16th. Purchase yearbooks online via Schoolpay (accessed from the parent’s Source account) or in-person during lunch and afterschool at the Fiscal window. Yearbooks will not be available for purchase again until March 16th when the price will be $75.  

School IDs starting 1/2/24

Lanyards were distributed to all students this month. When students return from winter break on January 2nd, the expectation is that all students attending Nathan Hale wear their lanyards around their neck with their school ID visible. Admin and staff will be monitoring who has their IDs. If a student arrives to school without an ID they will be given a “Day Pass” by the Attendance/Counseling Office.  This is part of an ongoing safety policy to be able to quickly identify Hale students and adults that belong in the building. Thanks to all the students who have already adopted this new policy and wear their ID daily.

Sign-up for Spring Theatre Production, Cinderella

Explore the classic tale of Cinderella with a few new twists this spring. Sign-ups for auditions and to be a pit orchestra member are open now! Check out the Performing arts bulletin board outside the Blackbox for more information and to claim an audition slot. Auditions are the week of January 2nd, and tech sign-ups are due Friday January 5th. Sign-up information can also be found on the Nathan Hale Theatre website.

FAFSA/WASFA Drop-in Help, 1/4/24

On Thursday, January 4th from 5:30 to 7:30pm, FAFSA/WASFA Help will be available at the Lake City Library. Work on completing student college financial aid forms online, receiving assistance, and ask questions about the new FAFSA form. See the Seniors – Class of 2024 webpage on the Nathan Hale website.

VIBES at WSU, 2/9-11

VIBES aims to motivate and encourage high school students to seek higher education opportunities. Sponsored by the Black Student Union of Washington State University, they strive to give tomorrow’s youth a sense of direction with higher education and community-minded leadership through mentoring and volunteerism. It is their hope that the students see the value of ongoing learning and the need to always reach higher and dream bigger with the endless opportunities that await them with a solid educational foundation.

Students will get an opportunity to visit WSU Pullman and understand life as a WSU Coug firsthand through a series of workshops and activities on topics like financial aid, tackling student loans, applications, deciding the right major and more.

Participant Information can be found on the VIBES application website. VIBES student leaders have projected to host 75 students at Washington State University for their annual leadership conference. In order to participate in VIBES, all students must be at the junior or senior level of high school. Although, they do encourage sophomore and freshmen students to apply, priority will be given to upperclassmen.

Quarter 1 Grades

Quarter 1 grades were posted and viewable on The Source starting Monday, December 4th. In an effort to reduce waste, Nathan Hale no longer mass-mails hard copies of report cards. To see your student’s report card, log into your Source account and click on “Performance and Progress Reports” on the left-hand side of the screen. If you’re having trouble logging onto The Source, please contact: If you would like a hard copy mailed to you, please contact our registrar at

One final note, the building will be closed during winter break except for some athletic team practices. We will be back in the office on Tuesday, January 2nd.

Enjoy your Winter Break! See you in 2024!

Much love,

William Jackson, Ed.D. (he,him)
Nathan Hale High School