Nathan Hale High School

Nathan Hale
High School

Friday 10/18 Family Message

Friday 10/18 Family Message

Happy Friday!  

It was nice to see so many families on campus last night at the senior parent meeting, curriculum night and community resource/activity time. My hope is that you had the opportunity to meet our awesome staff and visit with some of our Nathan Hale community partners and learn about the variety of clubs, activities, and resources that we have at NHHS. If you missed the senior meeting, please look for information that will be on our school website next week and if you did not get a chance to meet your student’s teachers, I encourage you to send them a quick message in Talking Points and introduce yourself. Last night I enjoyed seeing families share awesome things about their students with staff and being in community with other families. I also enjoyed seeing families ask questions about graduation and the college application process as we work in partnership to get the Class of 2025 to their June 17th graduation ceremony.   

Tonight, we have a BIG football game v. Chief Sealth. Kickoff is at 7:45 PM. We look forward to seeing you at the game. Next week is our Homecoming Week 10/21 – 10/25; click the link for dress up days and HOCO news. We have fun spirit days and activities planned all week leading up to the football game v. West Seattle and the HOCO dance in the Commons. We encourage yours to participate in dress up days next week. They can hopefully find things at home and not have to spend anything except perhaps their time and creativity. Go Raiders! Come on Super Fans! 

We have the PSAT/SAT coming soon for all Hale juniors (PSAT) and seniors (SAT) only.  

Hale’s Senate has approved the date for in-school PSAT and SAT testing for Tuesday, October 29th. From 8:50 AM to 12:00 PM all Hale juniors and seniors will be testing, and all freshman and sophomores will be participating in alternative activities for that time. All 11th and 12th grade students have already been registered. If you haven’t submitted your requests for accommodations yet, it may not be too late! Please submit the Consent Form for Accommodations Request to the main office ASAP (or email it directly to Ms. Burrell as an attachment)! Please see below the table for guides that can help you prepare for the PSAT (juniors only) or SAT (seniors only). Note: If you’re a Running Start student, please see information for you below the table. 

Here’s a timeline of what you can expect in the next week and a half: 

Tuesday, 10/22/24 Digital Readiness Checks in your social studies classes:  Making sure you have Bluebook downloaded, as it is a fully digital test  Making sure that if you have accommodations that you have the right ones and can practice with them  Making sure you have a charger and know to have a fully charged device on test day 
Tuesday, 10/22 through  Friday, 10/25/24 Ms. Burrell in the Activity Center during lunches for anyone who may need help with digital readiness.  
Wednesday, 10/23/24 In Mentorships, your teachers will go over logistics for day-of testing–i.e., where to be, when to be there, what to bring, what not to bring, etc.–and do digital readiness checks part 2.  
Monday, 10/28/24 Classroom assignments posted around the school for you to find your location on testing day. Recommended: Know where to be before Tuesday morning 🙂 
Tuesday, 10/29/24 Test day for all juniors and seniors! Do NOT be late!! Recommended: Be to school and into your assigned testing rooms no later than 8:40 AM
Wednesday, 10/30/24 Small make-up test day. You may test this day only through pre-arrangement with Ms. Burrell or in case of significant emergency on the 29th. 
Table listing dates and activity in the PSAT/SAT testing timeline.

*Running Start Students: Ms. Burrell will be sending you your own run-down of digital readiness and other prep items early next week. On the morning of the test, you should arrive by 8:20 to see what room you are assigned to on test day. 

Prepping for SAT and PSAT Guides

The Advanced Placement (AP) Exams are taken in May 2025 however registration and payment must happen now. This school year, AP Exams offered at Nathan Hale include: AP Computer Science A, AP Computer Science Principles, AP Environmental Science, AP Literature and Composition, AP Spanish Language and Culture, AP Statistics. Student’s registration is done in class with their AP Teacher. Verify your student’s Advanced Placement (AP) Exam registration

Cost is $120 per exam. Payments may be made online at Exam payment by credit card will incur a 3.99% transaction fee. No added fees, if paid by cash or check. Students who are approved for Free & Reduced Lunch should contact our Fiscal Specialist, Emily Wong, for a reduced AP exam fee of $20 per test. 

Deadline for registration and payment is Halloween, October 31, 2024. No late registration/payments are allowed. 

May you all have a wonderful weekend. Stay warm and dry. Be safe. Ensuring ALL students become honorable, skillful, thinking, global, citizens.  

In partnership,  

Ms. Jolene Grimes
Proud Principal
Nathan Hale High School