Nathan Hale High School

Nathan Hale
High School

Horticulture Winter Open House

Horticulture Winter Open House

Sunday, November 24th 11am – 1pm at the Hale Greenhouse

Our students have been hard at work all quarter and it’s time to celebrate with our annual Winter open house and plant sale! 

Five varieties of student grown poinsettias are available online now!!

In person we will also sell student made succulent gardens, bio-active terrariums, assorted houseplants, and fruits & veggies from the garden.

This year we are also offering a Build a wreath workshop, with lessons from expert students and volunteers.  Classes start at

11:00am Build a Wreath Workshop

11:30am Build a Wreath Workshop

12:00pm Build a Wreath Workshop

12:30pm Build a Wreath Workshop

Please purchase and book in advance to reserve a spot! 

When you purchase online, you can come and pick up your reserved plants at our winter open house on Sunday November 24th between 11pm-1pm.  

Nathan Hale Urban Farm Greenhouse is above the Jane Addams Middle School parking lot, 113th and 31st NE.

For large orders, special arrangements for delivery can be made. 

Whether you plan to purchase or not, please come enjoy cookies, cider, and great company!

See you soon!

Nathan Hale Horticulture