Nathan Hale High School

Nathan Hale
High School

Friday 10/25 Family Message

Friday 10/25 Nathan Hale Family Message

Happy Friday! 

Tonight, we have some exciting school activities that need your Raider support. Our varsity girls soccer plays Rainer Beach at Jane Addams starting at 5:00pm. Come check them out and cheer loud! Our boys varsity football plays West Seattle starting at 5:30pm. Calling all spirit fans! The ASB Homecoming Hale Gate party started at 4:30pm – 5:30pm outside the football field in the east entrance. Cash only event. The HOCO dance will start at 8:30pm in the Commons. Tickets are still available for Hale students to purchase at the door. The guest list is closed, and only approved guests will be permitted into the dance. There are no in/out privileges at the dance and all students need to be picked up in the student parking lot at 11:00pm. Students will not be allowed to hangout after the dance. Check the Friday daily bulletin for more HoCo Dance Reminders

This week many students enjoyed extended learning and engagement opportunities off campus at the Seattle Opera House and the Paramount Theatre. I was proud of the high number of student participation. Anytime students can enjoy our wonderful city – they should take advantage of the opportunities. The Nathan Hale staff work endlessly to partner with local businesses and leaders to enhance student learning at Nathan Hale. Parents/guardians thank you for doing your part in the permission slip process and expectations.  

Today student leaders rocked the gym with our first all school Pep Assembly. Seniors stood out, yelled loudly, and wore black and gold with so much pride. The juniors rocked their blue and battled with their senior peers letting them know they are ready to compete. The sophomores made their voices known and showed the school the class of 2027 was in the house, while the freshman class had no choice but to join the fun and learn the power of class competition and grade level pride. School assemblies are special. They allow student leaders to creatively plan activities to bring the student body together and display special talents, such as our Hale cheerleaders, who taught the football team that simple routines can be just as detailed as running QB sneaks and down and out play routes.  

Nathan Hale will be hosting a Clothing and Hygiene Drive next week, October 28th – November 1st. Please bring in new or gently used clothing items, shoes, jackets (especially rain and winter coats!), and NEW underwear and socks. We are also collecting new personal hygiene items, including hair care (including curly hair products), deodorant, dental care, period products, and more. Please drop off items in the black bin labeled “NHHS Clothing Closet” that will be in the Main Office. Shoutout to Ms. Hester’s Career Connect students for creating flyers and doing amazing work out in the Closet. Contact our School Social Worker, Ms. Johnson, if you have questions. 

A few reminders for our families: 

  1. PSAT/SAT testing day is Tuesday, October 29th! We will be on a modified schedule the day of testing for all grade levels.
    The slide deck that was shown during your student’s Mentorship period on Wednesday.
  2. For families of juniors and seniors, if your student hasn’t already, have them follow the instructions in the slide deck above. Make sure they complete through “exam set-up,” and then take this brief exit-ticket to confirm their digital readiness for test day. I’ve also attached a copy of the modified schedule to this message. Be sure your student confirms their testing location on Monday before they leave school or no later than 8:35am on Tuesday morning. The room locations will be posted around the school early Monday. If your student has yet to receive their sign-in ticket, email or stop by room 1105 on Monday during lunch.  
  3. The AP Exam registration and payment deadline is Thursday, October 31st, 2024. Please connect with Ms. Bosworth if you have questions.  
  4. The 9th grade upcoming ASB elections and voting is on November 8th from 12:45 – 3:45pm.  
  5. No School/Early Release information (Save the dates & plan accordingly): 
  • November 11: Veteran’s Day 
  • November 27: Regular Wednesday Early Release 
  • November 28-29: Thanksgiving Break 
  • December 20: 1 Hour Early Release for Winter Break 
  • December 23-January 3: SPS Winter Break 

Have a great weekend! 

In partnership, 

Ms. Jolene Grimes 
Proud Principal