Nathan Hale High School

Nathan Hale
High School
Student Family Portal

Friday 1/17 Family Message

Nathan Hale Friday 1/17 Family Message

Happy Friday,  

What a momentous week to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Nathan Hale Black Student Union held an assembly honoring Dr. King on Wednesday. Along with providing a history of Dr. King’s life and achievements, students spoke on the impact he has for today in what qualities we should look for in our leaders, as well as how he served as a model and inspiration for current activists like Bryan Stevenson and Stacey Abrams. 

This week, it was nice to get into classrooms, visit Jane Addams Middle School and have a learning walk with Dr. Montgomery, principal of JAMS. I enjoyed seeing students learn how to make continuous graphs and find the domain and range. I loved seeing seniors work on thesis statements as they prepare to author individual essays. One student shared his passion to tackle people experiencing homelessness to ensure that constitutional rights are not being violated. Today at JAMS it was nice to see future Raiders engaged in rigorous learning. The premier music class was amazing. I enjoyed seeing students engaged in art, math, and leadership. There is so much talent here in the northeast region of Seattle. I look forward to continuous work with JAMS and NHHS staff as we work collaboratively to create viable pathways to success for all students in grades 6-12. We are committed to being in the community together.  

Seattle Public School Levy Renewals – In February, voters will decide on two levies that help fund Seattle Public Schools (SPS). These levies are replacements, continuing support for essential programs, staff, and building improvements. The Proposition 1 Educational Programs and Operations Levy covers student support services, student opportunities, programs, and safety initiatives, while the Proposition 2 Building Excellence VI Capital Levy funds building repairs, classroom technology, and safety improvements.   

Families are invited to learn more about these levies by attending one of five regional community meetings this month. These meetings will take place in person, with interpretation services. All meetings are at 6:30 p.m.   

Thursday, Jan. 9: Genesee Hill Elementary, 5013 SW Dakota St., Seattle   
Monday, Jan. 13: Wing Luke Elementary School, 3701 S Kenyon St, Seattle   
Tuesday, Jan. 14: Viewlands Elementary School, 10525 3rd Ave NW, Seattle   
Thursday, Jan. 16: Kimball Elementary School, 3200 23rd Ave S, Seattle   
Tuesday, Jan. 21: Olympic Hills Elementary School, 13018 20th Ave. NE, Seattle  

Visit the SPS website for more information.   

As we wrap up the first semester, students should be working and communicating with their teachers to ensure they are prepared for finals. Ask your students if they have a final coming up. The finals schedule can be found on our Nathan Hale calendar on our website. The first day of semester 2 will be Wednesday, January 29th. It will be a regular Wednesday early dismissal bell schedule.  

Tonight, as I leave the office, I want to share my care and concern for making sure Nathan Hale is a safe place for students. It is incredibly important that we continue to remind students of the importance of being in class on time during treasured academic time. We are struggling to get all students into class on time. A handful of students are making the poor choice of showing up to class late (tardy) and/or leaving class/campus without permission (attendance code: LU). Parents and guardians, I am asking for your support in talking with your student about preserving academic time by being in class on time, prepared and ready to learn. We do not want students to walk out of class without permission, or hangout in hallways when they should be in class. Our class time is limited, and we want all students to be learning as honorable, skillful, thinking, global citizens. I say all this, because today at the beginning of second period we had students make a poor choice by getting into a physical altercation in the hallway, and many other students who decided to leave class to film and cheer this on. This is disruptive and unsafe behavior that is not tolerated. We encourage students to be upstanders instead of bystanders who goad such inappropriate behavior. Thank you to all the students who show up every day and make good choices. It takes a village, and we all need each other.  

In close, there is no school on Monday, January 20th in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The school will be closed. Have a restful three-day weekend. We look forward to seeing students back in the building on Tuesday, January 21st. School starts at 8:50 a.m. Please help make sure your student is on time.  

In partnership,  

Ms. Jolene Grimes  
Proud Principal  
Nathan Hale High School