Course Catalog
Course Catalog Resources
“The purpose of Nathan Hale High School is to ensure that ALL students will become honorable, thinking, skillful, global citizens.”
As a Learning Community We…
- Value a personal caring relationship with each student
- Value in-depth study, critical thinking, creativity and reflection, believing our students learn by doing
- Believe that all students-wherever they are as learners-will meet high standards
- Expect that teaching is the essential act of all adults at school
- Expect all members to understand, model and promote social justice
- Promote a climate of respect, trust, and decency
- Expect that all discipline be firm, fair, positive, and consistent
- Empower students and their families in the learning process
- Commit ourselves to those students who historically have not been successful
We are pleased and honored that you are joining us for your secondary education. You are about to begin the important process of selecting your classes for next year. We encourage you to process your choices and weigh all the options carefully before making your final selections. The choices you make now may affect your future opportunities, as well as your overall satisfaction with your high school experience. This guide has been prepared as a resource for you.
The Nathan Hale High School curriculum offers students a balanced educational experience focusing upon developing critical thinking and communication skills so that our students become members of a responsible, democratic citizenry. Our school is nationally recognized as a leader in school reform efforts that result in providing a rigorous and relevant education for our young adults that is intentional, integrated, and collaborative in nature. Students will graduate with the greatest number of opportunities open to them. Honors, Advanced Placement, and modified transcript designations are awarded for work in our full-inclusion classrooms and are available across the curriculum. We invite you to consult our website at to learn more about our “best practices” as outlined by our school philosophy, the Coalition of Essential Schools, and Small Learning Communities.
Please let us know when and how we can serve you as you process your course selections. We are committed to a rich and rewarding high school educational experience for you and your family.