Nathan Hale High School

Nathan Hale
High School
Calendar and News

Daily Bulletin

Hale Daily Bulletin Tuesday, January 28th

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Nathan Hale High School Daily Bulletin

Sports Happenings:

Metro League

1/28       7pm Girls Wrestling Scramble at Lynnwood HS

1/29       4pm Girls Bowling Metros at Bowlero

               4:15/5:45/7:30pm C-Team/JV/Varsity Girls Basketball vs Bishop Blanchet at Bishop Blanchet HS

               6pm/7:30pm Boys Wrestling League Double Dual at Roosevelt HS

1/31       4pm Boys Swimming vs Ballard HS at Ballard HS

               7pm Girls Gymnastics vs Ballard HS/Chief Sealth at Ballard HS

2/1         9am Girls Gymnastics All-Comers Meet at Ballard HS

               4pm/5:30pm JV/Varsity Girls Basketball vs Seattle Academy at NHHS

              7pm/8:30pm JV/Varsity Boys Basketball vs Roosevelt HS at NHHS


Semester 1 Finals Schedule:

Monday, January 27th: 

Tutorial 8:50 – 10:20
Period 2 10:25 – 12:25
Lunch 12:30 – 1:00
Mentorship 1:05 – 1:35
Period 5 1:40 – 3:40

Tuesday, January 28th:

Tutorial 8:50 – 10:20
Period 3 10:25 – 12:25
Lunch 12:30 – 1:00
Mentorship 1:05 – 1:35
Period 6 1:40 – 3:40

Tuesday Clubs:  Green Team in 1125, DECA Club in 2145, T- Mobile Club in 2135, Make a Wish in 1130, Class of 2025 in 1115, DECA Club in 1121, Book Club in 1131, Class of 2027 in 2120, Feminism Club in 1126, TSA (Technology Student Association) in 1205, Multi-Racial Club in 2129, Nerd Club in 1319, Uno Club in 1122, Creative Writing Club in Library, Cribbarkle in 2131, LSU (Latinx Student Union) in 2106, Mock Trial in 1121 (after school). All clubs meet during lunch unless otherwise noted.

Reminder! Visitors are NOT allowed on campus. Please do not prop doors open for any reason!

There is no eating lunch in the PAC. The PAC remains closed during lunchtime due to students leaving garbage behind.

Starting 2nd Semester – Wednesday, January 29th, Ms. Grimes is going to allow students back on the track during lunch time. Students must show they are responsible and abide by the following expectations to keep this privilege:

  1. No eating on the track or turf.
  2. Students may sit in the bleachers – no horse playing.
  3. All garbage must be picked up before lunch ends.
  4. If playing a student directed game/sport – play fair, include all, have fun. Tell an adult if there are issues.
  5. Respect the House and clean up after yourself.

Attention Students! When you arrive to school late, please go directly to the Attendance entrance door located on 110th street (across from Jane Addams). The Attendance office will buzz you in and you will need to get a late pass to class. ALWAYS use the Attendance entrance door when you are arriving late, even after lunch.

Class of 2028 is having a café this week, Monday through Wednesday. Come and support us!

Looking for a new third period class?  Sign up for the new class period of Intro to Electronic Media with Ms. Dabu!  Learn about audio production, podcasting, and radio.  Talk to your counselor right away about changing your schedule for the second semester!

Have you already taken Intro to Electronic Media but not signed up for Advanced Media?  Classes are offered first, fifth and sixth periods in the spring semester.  Talk to your counselor about putting Advanced Electronic Media in your schedule.  We’re looking forward to seeing you in the radio station!

Have you ever wanted to play trading card games like Magic the Gathering, but didn’t know where to start? Come to Trading Card Game club on Wednesdays in Mr. Typolt’s room, 1120. You do not need to know how to play or have your own cards. Come, learn, and have fun!

Interesting in making podcasts? Learn about audio production, interviewing and more! Join Podcast club at its new time, Thursdays after school at the radio station!

Want to learn about history and the world? Join Politics Club every Thursday at lunch in room 2130. Love to see you there!

Interested in trying out for Cheer? Sign up for 25-26 Season tryouts now in Final Forms! Tryout packets are available in the main office, and are due on Friday, February 28th. Still unsure if you’d like to try out? Join us for our open tryout clinic on Monday, February 10th from 5:30-7pm to learn the basics of cheer, and get your questions answered. There is a mandatory info meeting the next day, on Tuesday, February 11th from 4:15-5:00pm. All current Hale students in grades 9-11 are welcome, we hope to see you there!

Sports physicals are free and convenient at the Teen Clinic.  Stop by to pick up sport packet and schedule an appointment.  Physicals are good for 2 years. If you think you have already had a sport physical and you want to check if it is up to date, come to the clinic, we can often find that information for you. And don’t forget immunizations – flu, covid and all the school required vaccines are now available.

ASB stickers are now available in the Main Office! Stop by with your Student ID card to get your sticker. If you

purchased your ASB card over the weekend then please bring in a copy of your receipt.


Order your Senior Graduation Gear Now! The On Time Order Deadline was January 15th! Order Online here or pick up an Order Form in the Main Office.

Senior SPREE!  Attention all Seniors!!!  SPREE tickets are on sale now!!

Please register to get discounted tickets, before the price increases! If you need payment assistance, please register & note the amount that you are able to pay. Senior release forms can be found on the registration link or in the main office. Paperwork and checks can be handed into the main office, in exchange for a Class of 2025 bracelet, while supplies last!  Questions? Email – Register here

Volunteer/Learning Opportunities:

Attention: You can EARN UP TO 4 HIGH SCHOOL WORLD LANGUAGE CREDITS. If you speak, read, and write in a language other than English, you can sign up to take the world language test. You can earn up to 4 high school credits and possibly the seal of biliteracy. Testing will happen at the NHHS library on Wednesday, February 5th at 2:45 pm.  There are QR codes around the school to help you register online for the test. Contact Ms. Tobon in room: 2106 after you have registered before the testing date.

High School Homework Help at the Lake City Library! Tuesdays, Wednesday, & Thursdays anytime between 4:30-7:30pm. Plenty of tutors to help, many can help with advanced STEM or college essays. Free snacks too!

The Lake City Library high school Nintendo gaming service learning positions are now full. Hale students are ~always more than welcome to visit the library afterschool to hang out with friends for gaming, study, reading, computer/printing/WiFi, etc., but the service learning positions have now been filled at least through March. 

Are you interested in learning about the different educational options available at North Seattle Community College? Are you interested in learning about culinary, horticulture, automotive and other career paths? Come join other SPS High Schools for a day of exploration. You will receive breakfast and lunch and have access to a fair after taking a tour and hearing a keynote speaker. Please contact Ms. Hester in Room 2145 or via email if you are interested.

Hey Raiders, if you are looking for more information on Internships please check the Raider Board and the Career Connected Learning Wall outside the Culinary Arts Room.

Juma Summer Work Opportunity: They offer youth a great opportunity to work and make career dreams a reality. Juma employs low-income young adults and provides them work and learning opportunities designed to help them get future employment and connection to education. In addition to the stadium work, youth will attend 8 paid workshops focused on career and personal development. Please click on youth tab and then apply.

Are you looking for volunteering hours or a part time job? Eckstein Middle School is looking for students to run the basketball game clock and game book this winter. The season runs from January 25th through March 15th. Time starts 30 minutes before first game and 30 after last game ends. If you are interested, please contact Derek Grandbois @  

Stim Bullitt Civic Courage Scholarship The Stim Bullitt Civic Courage Scholarship is an opportunity for local students to write essays about an individual or group of individuals from Washington State who have demonstrated civic courage on an issue of importance to the community at great personal, political, or professional risk. The 2025 contest is now open! Essays must be submitted by March 15th. For more information go to

The Western WA University Tour is happening again on Wednesday, February 12th. The flyer with the QR Code to sign up is located on the bulletin board outside the attendance office. Only six spots available.

Are you a high school student passionate about service and interested in a paid summer internship at a nonprofit organization? Teens in Public Service (TIPS) places high school interns at a variety of nonprofits – museums, food banks, nature preserves, and more. Apply today for the TIPS Summer 2025 program at

Peer Tutoring- If you are interested in being a peer tutor for Algebra, Geometry or Biology, please see Ms. Roberson in the main office or email her at

Greetings! Are you interested in earning PE credit for swimming or learning to swim? Whether you are already a strong swimmer or can’t stay afloat yet, you can learn skills to stay safe, improve your technique or fitness and have fun in the pool, the lake, or the sound all summer long! Talk to your counselor about signing up for swimming during 1st period, second semester with Mr. Renes at Meadowbrook Pool.


Contact the Attendance Office directly at 206-252-3684 to report an Absence, Late Arrival or Early Dismissal.

Akin’s Community Resource Fair will take place on January 28th from 10am-2pm at 12360 Lake City Way NE Ste 100! Over 20+ community organizations, including FamilyWorks, King County Public Health, and North Helpline, will be offering valuable resources and information to families, all conveniently in one place! For questions, please email:!

FamilyWorks is hosting their Community Resource Center at Nathan Hale. If you or your family are needing resources including basic food, Medicaid, utilities, and rental assistance, visit Portable 6 (by the Nathan Hale track) every Wednesday between 1:30-4pm to meet with a Community Connector.

Hunger Intervention Program (HIP) is back at Hale to provide weekend meal packs to students every week! These packs are meant to be three small, light meals for students to have over the weekend. To be added to the weekly pick-up list, please reach out to Ms. Lyndsey (Room 1114 or

The Raider Clothing Closet is OPEN! If your student is in need of clothing items and interested in taking a shopping trip to the Clothing Closet in Portable 6, please reach out to Ms. Lyndsey (Room 1114 or or their Counselor.

Homework Help at the Lake City Library is happening every Tue-Th, 4:30-7:30pm. Students are also able to receive a free snack or meal at 5:30pm. If your student is in need of tutoring support, refer them to check out this amazing, FREE resource!

Free & Reduced Lunch Information:  Applications are accepted anytime throughout the school year. Please note that your application must be approved before you can receive the Free & Reduced Lunch benefits. Online Link: 

Paper Application:

Student Store:  Monday-Wednesday is Class of 2028 Snack Sale, Thursday-Friday is Students for Success Snack Sale

Lunch:  TODAY:  Hamburger w/ Fries, Chicken Sandwich or Hot Grain Bowl  Wednesday:  Cheese Pizza or Arroz Con Pollo  Thursday:  Cheeseburger w/Fries or Chicken Tenders w/Fries or Broccoli Alfredo Pasta  Friday:  Pizza or Hot Dog w/Fries or Bean and Cheese Chili Relleno Burrito

 Ensuring that all students become honorable, skillful, thinking, global citizens.

There are three ways to make an appointment with your counselor:

  1. Use the links below (use your SPS email)
  2. Use the QR code on the yellow poster in your teacher’s room (use your SPS email)
  3. See Ms. Francine Cunningham in the Counseling Office

Once you make an appointment, a Request to Report (a Pass) will be sent prior to your meeting. Counselor drop-in hours: MTThF 8:30AM – 8:45AM, 3:40 – 4:00PM
Wednesday 8:30 – 8:45AM, 1:50 – 2:25PM

Max Guerrero-Tomoda, (A-Gom) Schedule an appointment: Book time with Guerrero-Tomoda, Maximillian E  

Kristie Thompson, (Gon-N) 
Schedule an appointment: Ms. Thompson’s calendar

Kelly Creech, (O-Z) 
Schedule an appointment: Ms. Creech’s calendar

Francine Cunningham, Counseling Secretary  206-252-3694

Lyndsey Johnson, Counselor
Schedule an appointment: Book an appointment with Lyndsey Johnson!

Free Meals for Students: You may qualify for free or reduced-price meals. In all Seattle schools, students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals receive meals at no cost. You must reapply every year. Qualification is based on household income.  Applications have a quick turnaround time and may take as little as 3 days to process.

Students who qualify receive additional benefits including reduced fees for the following programs.

  • Event Fees
  • College in the High School tuition
  • Advanced Placement Tests
  • Associated Student Body (ASB) Fees
  • Pre-College Exams (PSAT/SAT/ACT)
  • Running Start Books and fees

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